Pain Managment for Back & Neck Pain
Hypnosis can help for Back & Neck Pain
Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of disability in Canada. Chronic pain is one of the most complex and difficult conditions to treat. "According with the Canadian Pain task report in October 2020: An estimated 7.63 million, or one in four Canadians aged 15 or older, live with chronic pain - a condition that although often invisible, is now understood as a disease in its own right. It is often interlaced with other chronic conditions and can affect people across their lifetime. Chronic pain has significant impacts on physical and mental health, family and community life, society, and the economy, with the total direct and indirect cost of $38.3 to $40.4 billion in 2019"*.
Let’s understand how living with constant pain can affect an individual’s life
There is rising consciousness of the significant impact of pain on persons and their families. People living with pain often experience:
Quality of life in general health is turned down.
Difficulty performing normal daily tasks due to the limited range of spinal movement or due to the pain itself.
Diminished mental and emotional health as the individual experiences increased worrying, stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, anger, and frustration.
Increased risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts.
Problems with cognitive function, such as reduced processing speed, difficulty in communication, memory loss, concentration difficulties, decrease intelligence, and changes in mood.
Increased fatigue, exhaustion, and sleep problems.
Reduced activities of daily living and physical and social functioning (e.g., sleeping, caregiving, social activities, community life).
School/work absence and reduced productivity.
Back pain
Lower back pain can occur at any point of the spine, it is often caused by stresses on the muscles and ligaments that support the spine. Consequently, the most common site affected is the lower back because it bears the most weight and physical stress.
Lower back pain is characterized by a range of symptoms including:
Muscle tension or stiffness
Weakness in the legs or feet
Very sharp pain or dull ache, usually felt deep in the back
Possible tingling or burning sensation, often traveling down the legs (sciatica)
Limited flexibility and/or range of motion
Inability to stand straight, especially if sciatica is present
Contributing factors include:
Poor muscle tone especially in the back and abdominal muscles
Sedentary lifestyle
Frequently driving
Poor Posture
Improper or heavy lifting
Psychosocial factors (Chronic stress, and suppression of toxic emotions; primarily anger, sadness, anxiety, hate, resentment and grief are linked with lower back pain and Cancer).
Both low back pain (pain in the lumbar region of the spine) and neck pain (pain in the cervical region) symptoms may be acute, lasting six weeks or less, or chronic, lasting longer than three months.
Furthermore, both back and neck pains in most cases have no known cause; they can result from an injury or trauma to the lower back or a disorder such as:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Degenerative disc disease
Herniated disc
Spinal cancer
Spinal Arthritis
Hypnotherapy, Acceptance commitment therapy, Mindfulness and Qigong can help deaden your PAIN!

I will develop a plan for you in order to get all the tools you need to listen to your body and decrease your pain with the power of hypnosis, acceptance commitment therapy, and Qigong. Tai Chi practice is also highly recommended for balancing and strengthening the muscles.
With hypnosis you can reduce your inflammation, swelling and pain with direct positive suggestions, re-programming the mind with visualization, relaxation and dissociating the physical & emotional pain from the body and transforming it for new healing energy that cause analgesia "no pain" and anaesthesia "no sensation". By creating natural mental state of anesthesia, you will learn how to deaden pain, or remove sensation entirely.
On the other hand, a variety of levels of Qigong lends itself to the treatment of pain. First, returning to regular, deeper breathing patterns that have been disturbed by chronic pain can enhance oxygenation and lessen anxiety. Second, a person who has pain may find it easier to move by performing safe, straightforward movements.

Here are 6 reasons why Qigong is so awesome for pain:

Qigong uses movement – slow and gentle movement
Qigong reduces inflammation and pain
Qigong is non-addictive, unlike opioid, pain killers or other medications
Qigong is non-religious
Qigong can be practiced even if you are overweight, in a wheelchair, or recovering from surgery.
EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques/ Tapping based on the stimulation of acupuncture meridians.
The Mechanics of the Pain
Emotional energy is a form of Qi
If you have physical pain, then your Qi is stagnant in any part of the body
Excess or deficiency of Qi can affect the organs and spine as energy cannot flow properly
Pain starts when the Qi is blocked in our body
The best way to circulate Qi is with Qigong
Purge or detox, tonify and circulating the Qi removes emotional and physical pain in your body.
How are your emotions and pain related?
So how does it work? How do the emotions cause pain?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have the Five Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.
Each of the Five Elements is associated with a Meridian System. Furthermore, each Element is associated with an emotion:

In other words, for thousands of years the 5 elements of traditional Chinese medicine have recognized emotions as a part of the healing mechanics of the body.
*Statistic based on Health Canada.- https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/